Live in the Fargo-Moorhead area and thinking about adding a cat to your family? Adopt-A-Pet in Fargo-Moorhead has some friendly, nice looking cats for adoption. For more information, visit their web site (CLICK HERE) or call their cat line at 701-232-5856.
Not looking for a cat but want to help out? Here's Adopt-A-Pet's current Wish List:
* LITTER - any unscented litter
* Dry cat food (Purina, Iams, Science Diet)
* Paper towels
* Laundry detergent
* Disposable paper plates and spoons
* Tall scratching posts or cat trees
* Catnip toys
* Gift certificates for PETCO where we get supplies,toys and litter
* Gift certificates for Target, K-Mart or Wal-Mart