There are 44,892,454 dog owners in the United States, who own a total of 62,995,801 million dogs, and there are 76,954,111 million cats for a total of 139,949,912 pets.
Of the 106.4 million households in the U.S., 33.6 million have at least one cat as a pet.
The following statistics exemplify pet owners feelings towards their pets.
31,507,457 dog owners purchase Christmas gifts for their dogs.
39,754,847 cats receive Christmas gifts from their owners.
If you're reading this, chances are you fall into one of these categories. So, what do you have under the tree for your special best friend? If you still need to find a gift or perhaps a second, or third, gift for Fluffy here are some links to offer ideas:
Doctors Foster and Smith
Happy Shopping!!
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