Friday, October 14, 2005

Visitors and Comments

I'm really enjoying having this blog. Hopefully at some point the blog will have made a difference in some stray ND animal's life. The site meter shows that there are frequent visits to the site. Unfortunately, not very many comments. I was talking with a fellow blogger and she suggested that reading a blog may be a new experience for many of the visitors. Visitors may not know how to post a comment.

How to post a comment:
At the end of a post you'll see "0 comments", meaning there are no comments. Depending on how many comments there are the number will change, "1 comment" "2 comments".

To post a comment just click on "0 comment". A new window will pop up.

Type your comment in the "Leave Your Comment" box. You can either stay anonymous or add your name.

Type the letters in Word Verification (to keep spam comments off the blog)

Click "preview".

Click "publish your comment".


It may take a few minutes for your comment to appear.

I'm really interested in what others in ND are doing about the stray animals in ND. Please don't be shy; post a comment and share your thoughts with STAND.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering if, for example, I had a website concerning animals; could I somehow have your blog as a link on my website? I'm not too computer literate, a friend does it for me.

STAND said...

Willy, thanks for the inquiry. The answer is yes. Please email me at and I will send you the code for linking STAND (via a hyperlink or a banner) to your web site. If you have a web designer for your site you could ask him/her to do it for you.