Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Chained Existence

A Chained Existence

If we tried to invent the cruelest punishment for dogs, we probably couldn't come up with anything worse than "solitary confinement" on a chain or in a kennel. Dogs are pack animals that crave companionship. Most people who chain dogs just don't realize that scratches behind the ears, games of Fetch and walks around the block mean to world to dogs. Time spent inside with their families and curling up at our feet while we watch TV is their idea of heaven. Many dogs left to fend for themselves at the end of a chain fall prey to attacks by other animals or cruel people, and many others are injured or hanged or choke as a result of getting entangled or caught in their tether.

To read the rest of the article, available on Central Dakota Humane Society's web site CLICK HERE.

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