This is Annabelle. She's currently living at the humane society in Grand Forks. If you're interested in adopting Annabelle call the GF humane society at 701-775-3732 or email them at gfhumane@yahoo.com.
Notes from her petfinder.com entry:
Annabelle is a 2 year old female rabbit. Rabbit Facts: Although there are about 25 species of rabbits, only one has been domesticated: Oryctolagus cuniculus. Like rodents, rabbits have incisors that grow constantly and must be worn down. Rabbits are also quite different from hares. Rabbits are born blind, deaf, and furless in underground burrows. In contrast, hares are born already furred in a nest of grass, with some vision, hearing and a better ability to get around. Hares are also wild and undomesticated.
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