I was just perusing Pet Connection's Web Site and immediately noticed that Jemina's biography is no longer there. (You may remember her from a previous post).
Since I kept Jem as a foster dog I have a special connection with her. You can imagine the flood of thoughts I had upon discovering the removal of her bio on the site: is the bio being updated, did she get sick....did she get adopted....?!
I looked at the clock on my computer screen-12:45pm. Pet Connection doesn't open until 1pm. The minutes ticked away like hours until finally the clock struck 1pm! I waited until 1:05pm to call to give the shelter workers a couple minutes to catch their breath after opening.
"Hi, this is Christine, a member of Pet Connection. I noticed Jemina isn't on the web site anymore..."
Pause. Only a couple seconds, but still, when your anxious for a response it seems like much longer.
"Yes. Jemina was adopted."
The first emotion I feel is one of complete happiness, but it immediately passes as I begin to wonder where Jemina is at now.
I flood the person on the other end of the conversation with questions.
"When did this happen? Where is she? Who adopted her? How old are they? Did they seem really nice?"
Of course, I know that the knowledgeable, compassionate staff at Pet Connection would only let the best match for Jemina take her home. Still...I need to ask.
"Jemina was adopted by a couple in their 50's-no kids at home. Their rottweiler recently passed away from old age. They saw her picture at Walmart, met with her and they adopted her!"
I exclaim, "This is wonderful. JUST WONDERFUL!!"
The shelter worker responds in a calm, satisfied voice, "Yes. Yes it is."
Oh, thanks for putting up more info on Jemina...I always love good endings. I hope she's happy. So you fostered her...how did Daphne take that? Great job on the site.
THAT made me cry! What a great ending, and what a relief it must be to you! You are doing a wonderful thing by fostering dogs, and this blog site. Keep up the good work, and keep sharing these wonderful storie's with us.
I just finished reading the update on Jemina, what a touching story, thanks for sharing it with everyone! I am so happy for both of you! Annie in GF
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